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[PVA]⋙ Libro Gratis Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

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Download PDF  Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Purchase of the edition includes wireless delivery.

Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

Great mountain man life story---if you like this book you will want to also read the following 99-cent true-life mountain man narratives:
Jim Bridger "The Grand Old Man of the Rockies" (1922)
Four Years in the Rockies -- the Adventures of Isaac P. Rose--Hunter and Trapper in that Remote Region (1884)
Mountain Men of the Rockies: Adventures of Colter, Bridger, Bill Gordon, Peg Leg Smith, Old Bill Williams, Bill Bent, J.S. Smith, the Sublettes, and Other Trappers in that Remote Region (1883)
John Colter: Explorer, Mountain Man, and Trapper (1899)
Adventure of Zenas Leonard, Fur Trader and Trapper, 1831-1836
Rising Wolf, the White Blackfoot: Hugh Monroe's Story of His First Year on the Plains (1919)
An Indian Winter or With the Indians in the Rockies (1913)
My Life as an Indian: The Story of a Red Woman and a White Man in the Lodges of the Blackfeet (1907)
Some True Adventures in the Life of Hugh Glass, a Hunter and Trapper on the Missouri River (1857)
10 Journal of a Trapper Or Nine Years Residence among the Rocky Mountains Between the years of 1834 and 1843 (1921)

Product details

  • File Size 389 KB
  • Print Length 111 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1497556929
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publication Date January 24, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B0071FDB6W

Read  Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

Tags : Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson - Kindle edition by John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott, Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson.,ebook,John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot) Abbott, Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex,Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson,HISTORY United States State & Local West
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Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex Reviews

This was a great read and very informative, a fine historical account. Try Baby Blue by Lloyd Albritton and other writings...
Kit Carson has always been one of my favorite mountain men--perhaps the greatest of them all. The man had a charmed life--he came out alive on so many close calls, but he was an amazing person. Always very calm, honest, morally upright and highly respected by all his fellow mountain men and the Indians. I really enjoyed reading his autobiography that I picked up when I visited his home in Taos, now a museum. A must if you are in Taos and enjoy reading about Carson. This was a very interesting book, easy to read, and enjoyable.
Yes, it is written in the nineteenth century florid manner making the subject matter seem abundantly romantic, but it is a good read and, for the most part, accurate. Yes. more modern scholarship would indicate differences but, as said before, on the whole, accurate. The style is entertaining and reads quickly. I would recommend it in a heartbeat.
I gave it an extra star because it was written in the 1800s, otherwise it would have been a two star. It is interesting enough, but so inaccurate and overly romanticized that it was almost unbearable, constantly reminding the reader of white man's superiority to the indian, glossing over more embarrassing facts, and making claims and assumptions that aren't supported. (As well as leaving out many important parts of Carson's life). Statements such as saying the white men moved into Kentucky when the indians died off or went to other hunting grounds out west, instead of admitting the bloody wars fought to drive them out, or that on the Carson family's journey from Kentucky to Missouri, that they "with a buffalo robe spread on the soft grass for a blanket, would sleep far more sweetly in the open air than most millionaires sleep in tapestried halls and upon beds of down" it just is giving the authors glorified imaginings of what things were like. I doubt the folk who were there saw it that way, but the author often describes things is such romantic prose. I do recognize that attitudes were different in the 1800's, especially in race relations, but the author had to know he was laying in thick. I finished reading it as an example of a historical piece, not as giving accurate history, and would only recommend the book to someone who wanted to see how some people of that time thought rather than what actually happened.
This was an interesting book. It would probably be most appreciated by readers with a deep interest in the subject matter as it was very detailed and fairly long. The writer is obviously a big fan of Kit Carson, so it's hard to say how accurate the book is. I have a feeling that if Kit Carson did do something that wasn't admirable, Abbott may have left it out of the book or put a spin on it to make it seem more positive. I haven't read any other books about Carson, though, so I really don't know.

I did like learning more about what life was like in the west in that time period. There were a lot of details about what they ate, how trappers and hunters conducted themselves, and things like that which were very interesting. I've read several novels about life in the west during that time period, and it was nice to read nonfiction about the same era to see how much of the information in novels is based on fact.

I was screening this book to see if it would be a good book to give to my 12 and 10 year old sons. My conclusion was that if they develop an extreme interest in Kit Carson, the time period, or something like that, I'll recommend it to them. However, I'm not going to just recommend it outright. The reading level is fairly advanced. It's probably at about a ninth grade reading level.
Interesting but really old fashion writing style. Makes it a little awkward to read in places. No idea how true parts of the story are. But it did.give a much better picture of how dangerous part of the westward migration was, and why a successful guide might be legendary. For a boy who grew up on the edge of the frontier, though, those dangers might appear normal, allowing him to cope calmly with extraordinary happenings. That is the impression I got from this book. It is also apparent that Kit was probably bright and tough and athletic and an incredibly hard worker much of the time.
I was rather disappointed in that this book deals more with general tales of Carson rather than specific facts and details of his life. Considering the time at which it was written, and the affection the author had for his subject, this may be excused. Being an old bean counter I am much more interested in details.
Great mountain man life story---if you like this book you will want to also read the following 99-cent true-life mountain man narratives
Jim Bridger "The Grand Old Man of the Rockies" (1922)
Four Years in the Rockies -- the Adventures of Isaac P. Rose--Hunter and Trapper in that Remote Region (1884)
Mountain Men of the Rockies Adventures of Colter, Bridger, Bill Gordon, Peg Leg Smith, Old Bill Williams, Bill Bent, J.S. Smith, the Sublettes, and Other Trappers in that Remote Region (1883)
John Colter Explorer, Mountain Man, and Trapper (1899)
Adventure of Zenas Leonard, Fur Trader and Trapper, 1831-1836
Rising Wolf, the White Blackfoot Hugh Monroe's Story of His First Year on the Plains (1919)
An Indian Winter or With the Indians in the Rockies (1913)
My Life as an Indian The Story of a Red Woman and a White Man in the Lodges of the Blackfeet (1907)
Some True Adventures in the Life of Hugh Glass, a Hunter and Trapper on the Missouri River (1857)
10 Journal of a Trapper Or Nine Years Residence among the Rocky Mountains Between the years of 1834 and 1843 (1921)
Ebook PDF  Christopher Carson Familiarly Known as Kit Carson eBook John S C John Stevens Cabot Abbott Elizabeth Eleanor Greatorex

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